Friday, October 26, 2012

Motor Club of America. Coverage Plus Opportunity.

 Motor Club of America

Motor Club of America or MCA has been in business for 86 years and has established itself as a highly regarded, and trusted company within that time period with individuals throughout Canada and the United States.
Just how can motor club of america help you? Read below:
Motor Club of America provides a wide range of services and products to drivers, and non drivers through the entire United States and Canada which range from roadside assistance, hospital emergency benefits, travel assistance, hotel discounts, plus much more.
MCA roadside assistance benefits include things like 24/7 “sign and go” dispatch with towing up to 100 miles to the destination of your choice and $100 reimbursement cost covering automobiles, trucks, rv’s, motorcycles, boats,and livestock trailers.
Motor Club of America will even provide “travel assistance” reimbursement as much as $500 for local accidents that will assist with renting a car, as well as for accidents greater than 50 miles from the covered members home, MCA will reimburse with lodging, meals, and transportation.
The MCA membership offers planning, and travel reservations with detailed routing, maps, airline reservations, and hotel information and discounts.The motor club of america membership card will even function as a $500 cash bond whenever a covered member is involved with traffic violations. Membership can also include as much as $25,000 bail bonds when faced with vehicular manslaughter, or negligent homicide.
MCA members are able to receive as much as $2,000 for attorney fees when faced with vehicular manslaughter, or negligent homicide as a result of a covered accident. Covered MCA members also receive as much as $1,000 for attorney fees for accidents and vehicle damages.
Even theft is included having a motor club of america membership which include as much as $5,000 resulting in the arrests and conviction of a thief.
Motor Club of America members are able to feel comfortable knowing that MCA provides as much as $1,000 in credit card protection whenever a covered members credit cards are lost or stolen.

MCA – motor club of america provides discounts on prescription medications, dental, and vision care. Members will also be covered for hospital emergency room care as a result of accidents in your own home, work, or play. Membership with motor club of america will even provide as much as $54,750 in daily hospital benefits.
There are numerous more benefits offered joining motor club of america which are way too many to list out. however when you browse the the site you will agree that MCA is definitely one of the most comprehensive, and affordable trusted membership plans anywhere.
The motor club of america benefits don’t end there. By becoming a MCA member you also have the motor club of america associate networking plan in partnership with TVC Matrix corp.
The partnering of TVC Matrix and MCA “Motor Club of America” benefits each member/associates having an unprecedented comp plan that’s using the network marketing community by storm.
Obtaining FULL motor club of america “MCA” benefits together with becoming an MCA business associate provides earning possibility for anyone, from work from home mom and dads, students, elderly people, retirees, p/t and f/t working adults, and professional internet marketers alike.
It only cost $40 (first and last months prepaid membership) becoming a “Total Security Member” with motor club of america, and $19.95 each month thereafter. The compensation plan proposed by Motor Club of America is definitely one of the most lucrative above any throughout the industry.
To provide you with basically a brief example of the MCA comp plan look below:
For 1-5 memberships sold each week for just $40 an MCA associate/member will get an $80 compensation check each week via UPS or direct deposit, meaning that even with 1 $40 “Total Security Membership Package” sale each week you can now easily earn an additional $80 each week or $4,160 annually simply by sharing Motor Club of America’s trusted products, and services.

 Motor Club of America Final Thoughts…

It feels good to bring in a $1800 – $2000 payment for one week of work every single week!  Are you ready to experience the same?
MCA doesn’t NOT accept payments made through prepaid/reloadable cards.  Their rule, not mine…
==> I answer my phone, but these other folks won’t, take my word on that…
Work with someone, that is going to help YOU! All training and support provided.
==>  Money is waiting on YOU, so get started TODAY! <==
Click the SIGN UP button below for more information:
After you’ve clicked the Sign UP button, make sure my name, Mony Coleman, and photo are in the top right corner. Select the package that best fits your needs and sign up. Let me know in an email or find me on facebook so I can get you started right away in the training and support! 

16 Ways to Keep a Marriage Strong

16 Tidbits of marital wisdom from a twice divorced guy on what not to do to keep yourself from ending up where he is. Good stuff.

When I first dated the woman I ended up marrying, I always held her hand. In the car. While walking. At meals. At movies. It didn’t matter where. Over time, I stopped. I made up excuses like my hand was too hot or it made me sweat or I wasn’t comfortable with it in public. Truth was, I stopped holding hands because I stopped wanting to put in the effort to be close to my wife. No other reason.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d hold her hand in the car. I’d hold her hand on a star. I’d hold her hand in a box. I’d hold her hand with a fox. And I’d hold her hand everywhere else, too, even when we didn’t particularly like each other for the moment.
BONUS! When you hold hands in the winter, they don’t get cold. True story.

Obviously when I was working to woo her, I would do myself up as attractively as I possibly could every time I saw her. I kept perfectly groomed. I always smelled good. I held in my farts until she wasn’t around. For some reason, marriage made me feel like I could stop doing all that. I would get all properly groomed, smelling good, and dressed up any time we went out somewhere or I went out by myself, but I rarely, if ever, cared about making myself attractive just for her.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d try and put my best foot forward throughout our entire marriage. I’d wait to fart until I was in the bathroom whenever possible. I’d make myself desirable so that she would desire me.
BONUS! when you trim your man hair, guess what. She returns the favor.

For some reason, somewhere along the way, I always ended up feeling like it was my place to tell her where she was weak and where she could do better. I sure as heck didn’t do that while we were dating. No, when I dated her I only built her up, only told her how amazing she was, and easily looked past all of her flaws. After we got married though, she sometimes couldn’t even cook eggs without me telling her how she might be able to improve.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I wouldn’t say a damned thing about anything that I thought could use improvement. I’ve learned since my marriage ended that there is more than one right way to do most things, and that the imperfections of others are too beautiful to try and change.
BONUS! when you tell her what she’s doing right, she’ll tell you what you’re doing right. And she’ll also tell her friends. And her family. And the dentist. And even strangers on the street.

I knew how to woo a girl, for sure. And the ticket was usually a night in, cooking a nice meal and having a romantic evening. So why is it then, that I didn’t do that for her after we got married? Sure, I’d throw some canned soup in the microwave or fry up some chimichangas once in a while, but I rarely if ever went out of my way to sweep her off her feet after we were married by steaming crab legs, or making fancy pasta, or setting up a candlelit table.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d make it a priority to cook for her, and only her, something awesome at least every month. And I’d remember that meat in a can is never awesome.
BONUS! candlelit dinners often lead to candlelit bow chica bow-wow.

I’m not talking about the angry kind of yelling. I’m talking about the lazy kind of yelling. The kind of yelling you do when you don’t want to get up from your television show or you don’t want to go ALL THE WAY UPSTAIRS to ask her if she’s seen your keys. It really doesn’t take that much effort to go find her, and yelling (by nature) sounds demanding and authoritative.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d try to go find her anytime I needed something or wanted to know something, and I’d have both gratitude and manners when I did. I always hated when she would yell to me, so why did I always feel it was okay to yell to her?
BONUS! sometimes you catch her doing something cute that you would have missed otherwise.

I always felt I was the king of not calling names, but I wasn’t I may not have called her stupid, or idiot, or any of the other names she’d sometimes call me, but I would tell her she was stubborn, or that she was impossible, or that she was so hard to deal with. Names are names, and calling them will drive bigger wedges in communication than just about anything else.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: Any time it got to the point that I wanted to call names, I’d call a time-out and come back to it later. Or better yet, I’d call her names, but they’d be names like “super sexy” or “hotness.” Even in the heat of the moment.
BONUS! she’ll call you names in better places. Like the bedroom.

As the main bread earner, I was always so stingy with the money. I’d whine about the cost of her shampoo or that she didn’t order water at restaurants, or that she’d spend so much money on things like pedicures or hair dye jobs. But seriously. I always had just as many if not more things that I spent my money on, and in the end, the money was spent, we were just fine, and the only thing my bitching and moaning did was bring undo stress to our relationship.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d tell her I trusted her to buy whatever she wanted, whenever she felt like she needed it. And then, I’d actually trust her to do it.
BONUS! sometimes she will make bad purchase decisions, which leads to makeup purchase decisions. Like that new gadget you’ve had your eyes on.

There was never any argument that was so important or pressing that we couldn’t wait to have it until the kids weren’t there. I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist or super-shrink to know why fighting in front of the kids is a dangerous and selfish way of doing things.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I would never, ever, not even once fight in front of the kids, no matter how big or how small the issue was. I’d maybe make a code word that meant, “not with the kids here.”
BONUS! when you wait to fight, usually you both realize how stupid or unimportant the fight was and the fight never happens.

I always thought it was love to tell my spouse, “I don’t care if you don’t take care of yourself. I don’t care if you don’t exercise. I don’t care if you let yourself go.” But that was lying, and it was lying when she said it to me because the truth is, we did care and I wish that we would have always told each other how sexy and attractive the other was any time we’d go workout or do something to become healthier.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d ask her to tell me that she cared. I’d ask her to encourage me to go to the gym. I’d ask her to remind me of my goals and tell me I’m strong enough to keep them.
BONUS! exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. And happy people don’t kill other people. (Name that movie!)

I don’t know why, but at some point I started thinking it was okay to poop with the bathroom door open, and so did she. First of all, it’s gross. Second of all, it stinks everything up. Third of all, there is literally no way to make pooping attractive, which means that every time she saw me do it, she, at least in some little way, would have thought I was less attractive.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d shut the damn door and poop in private.
BONUS! when she does think of your naked body, she’s not going to be thinking about it in a grunting/squatting position.

It always got to a point when I’d more or less stop kissing her. Usually it was because things were stressful and there was tension in our relationship, and so I’d make it worse by refusing to kiss her. This of course would lead to her feeling rejected. Which would of course lead to arguments about it. Other times I had my own issues with germs and whatnot.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d kiss her in the morning when she looked like people do in the morning. I’d kiss her at night when she’s had a long day. I’d kiss her any time I felt like she secretly wanted a kiss. And, I’d kiss her even when my germ issues kicked in.
BONUS! she feels loved when you kiss her. That’s bonus enough.

Age shouldn’t matter. Physical ability shouldn’t matter. Couples should never stop having fun with each other, and I really wish I wouldn’t have gotten into so many ruts in which we didn’t really go out and do anything. And, I’ve been around the block enough times to know that when the fun is missing, and the social part of life is missing, so also goes missing the ability to be fully content with each other.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d make a rule with her that we’d never stay home two weekends in a row.
BONUS! awesome stories and awesome memories come from doing awesome things. And so do cherished embarrassing moments.

Pressuring each other about anything is always a recipe for resentment. I always felt so pressured to make more money. I always felt so pressured to not slip in my religion. I always felt so pressured to feel certain ways about things when I felt the opposite. And I usually carried a lot of resentment. Looking back, I can think of just as many times that I pressured her, so I know it was a two-way street.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d make it a point to celebrate the different views, opinions, and ways that she had of doing things. I’d find the beauty in differentiation, not the threat.
BONUS! authentic happiness becomes a real possibility. And so do authentic foot rubs.

Sometimes the easiest phrases to say in my marriage started with one of three things. Either, “you should have,” “you aren’t ” or “you didn’t ” Inevitably after each of those seemed to come something negative. And since when have negative labels ever helped anyone? They certainly never helped her. Or me. Instead, they seemed to make the action that sparked the label worsen in big ways.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I would learn to stop myself before saying any of those phrases, and then I’d switch them out for positive labels. Instead of “you should,” I’d say “you are great at.” Instead of saying “you aren’t ” I’d say “you are.” Instead of saying “you didn’t ” I’d say, “you did.” And then I’d follow it up with something positive.
BONUS! the noblest struggles become far more conquerable. And you don’t think or believe that you’re a schmuck, which is always nice.

It was so easy in marriage to veto so many of the things she enjoyed doing. My reasoning, “we can find things we both enjoy.” That’s lame. There will always be things she enjoys that I will never enjoy, and that’s no reason not to support her in them. Sometimes the only thing she needs is to know that I’m there.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d attend many more of the events that she invited me to. I would actively participate and not tell all the reasons why I’d do it differently or how it could be better or more fun or time better spent.
BONUS! go to something she knows you don’t enjoy and the gratitude gets piled on later that night, like whipped cream on a cheesecake.

I never got to experience the power of make-up sex because any time my wife was mean or we got in a fight, I’d completely distance myself from her, usually for several days. Communication would shut down and I’d avoid contact at all cost. This never let things get worked out, and eventually after it had happened enough times I’d explode unnecessarily.
IF I COULD HAVE A DO-OVER: I’d let myself communicate my emotions and feelings more often, and I’d make sure that she knew I still loved her any time we had an ugly bout. Sure, we’d give each other some distance. But not days of distance.
BONUS! Fantastic make-up sex. Or at least that’s the theory.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pecan Pie Cookie Recipe - YUM



3/4 cup butter, room temperature
1 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour
1tsp baking powder

1 cup chopped pecans
½ cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tsp. vanilla
Pinch each of ginger, and cinnamon (optional)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper.

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla, continue beating until egg is fully incorporated and mixture is once again smooth and fluffy.

Add baking powder and flour, continue beating until mixture is uniform, with everything incorporated. Set dough aside.

In a separate mixing bowl, mix pecans and brown sugar with spices, if using. Add in heavy cream and vanilla, mix until well combined.

Roll cookie dough into balls that are about 1.25″ in diameter, and place them on cookie sheets – leave about 2″ between the cookies.

Gently use thumb to press down in the middle of each cookie, making an indentation. Roll thumb slightly to stretch the indentation out a little. Fill each indentation with about 1 tsp of pecan filling.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, until lightly browned. Allow to cool on sheets for 5 minutes or so, before gently transferring to plate.

How to Coupon in a Practical Way

How to Coupon in a Practical way and Save Your Family Money

I want to do a blog post about how to coupon in a practical way. I’m not an extreme couponer, I can’t show you how to get $800 in groceries for $30 or fill your entire garage with free stuff. But I have learned a couple of tricks that can save you a couple hundred dollars a month on groceries.
I have to give some credit to my sister in law first and foremost. Up until about a month ago, couponing was a useless waste of time to me. She sat down with me for about an hour and changed the way I grocery shop completely. This was after spending the evening digging through her VERY full cupboards when I wanted a snack. Once she started couponing, she had to find additional pantries and I’ll say, that only a few weeks into couponing, I already need a chest freezer and extra pantry space. This is coming from not knowing what we were having for dinner just a few weeks ago.
Ok, let’s get started.
Before my SIL sat down with me, couponing seemed like a waste of time to me.  Why’s that? Well, because like many American families we are in that hard place where we don’t make enough money to make ends meet but too much to get any help. So our budget has been tight, painfully tight, for years. We got into the habit of buying off brand products and not buying anything frivolous. We also didn’t eat very healthy because, in general, healthy is very expensive and un-healthy is not.
I did a price comparison about a year ago to prove this point. A bag of apples at my local grocery store (on sale that week) had 12 apples inside and cost $5.99. A box of snack cakes (at least 10 varieties to choose from) with 8-12 snacks cakes inside costs $.99-$1.99. You do the math.
I would love to feed my children healthy foods vs. snack cakes but the money only goes so far. Practical couponing has helped stretch my dollars to the point that we can now eat healthier because we are saving money and using that money to spend a little more on the healthy stuff.
It’s difficult to justify using a a coupon for a name brand product when the price (even with the coupon) doesn’t beat the price of an off brand product, even if the store doubles coupons. Often you have to purchase more than one item and sometimes as many as three or four items to even get the coupon savings.
Example: I have a coupon for $1.00 off 2 boxes of cereal. They cost $3.39 each at my local store. The store only doubles coupons for $.50 or less so the coupon doesn’t double so it’s only worth $1.
The Math: $3.39 x 2 = $7.80 – $1.00 = $6.80 / 2 = $3.40 each but I have to spend $7.80 of my grocery budget to get them at that price. I can get one bag of store brand cereal with almost twice as much cereal inside (which will do for the time frame of our grocery shopping — 1 week) for less than $4. So you can see how this coupon is not a good deal and on a really tight budget, every penny counts so an additional $3 is no good.
So how do you get good deals with coupons?  Why even bother finding them, cutting them out, keeping up with them, etc? Well let me tell you how.
You combine your coupon with your local grocery store’s weekly specials. That’s the trick. Let’s see an example.
Using the same coupon:
1.) The store you are shopping at offers that cereal on a buy one get one free weekly special. (Publix’s does this all the time with all sorts of stuff). So now you are getting both boxes of cereal for $3.39, now apply your $1 off coupon and you’re getting two boxes of cereal for $2.29. Add a store coupon to that and you’ll get the cereal for even less. Now you’re talking about name brand cereal for $1.20 a box or less.
2.) The store you are shopping at offers that cereal in a 10 for $10 weekly special. So now you’re getting two boxes of cereal for $2, now apply your $1 off coupon and you’re getting the same two boxes of cereal for $.50 (even better, if your coupon is for $.50 off one box and your store doubles coupons you’re getting the cereal for FREE!! )
That’s my kind of deal. If I can do that five times in one trip, I can buy my kids apples instead of snack cakes with the money I saved.
There are many ways to successfully coupon. Everyone has to find their method. My SIL does it differently than I do, but listening to her tell me how she does it and putting it into practice helped me figure out what worked for me.
So here’s mine:
I have a Kroger, a Publix and a Walmart in my area so those are the stores I work with. The first thing I did was find out what each of the store’s policies were on coupons and ad matching and what day of the week their weekly ads come out. I also registered on all three of their websites to receive coupons and notifications of the deals they offer.
Our Sunday paper always has the coupon books, SmartSource and Red Plum and sometimes some bonus books as well like the PnG Saver. Our local paper offers a double edition of the coupons for $1 off the cost of two papers. So basically you get two papers, two sets of coupons but pay $3.99 instead of $5 (cost of two Sunday papers). I also joined and registered at several of the name brand sites that we enjoy (like hormel, campbells, etc.) to receive notification of when they have coupons and deals. allows you to print coupons directly from their site. If your Sunday paper doesn’t have the inserts go to and and to get printable versions of the coupons.

I clip the coupons and have organized them in a binder. See the video where I explain my coupon binder – click here –
I enjoy the clipping and organizing of the coupons (soothes my ocd, I think) but my SIL just holds on to the inserts and finds the coupons she wants to use as she needs them. For the next step there are two options. You need to match up the store deals with the coupons. You can do this manually by collecting your coupons, sorting them and then going through the ads and the coupons you have in front of you. Or, you can go to sites like / / and click each of the stores you visit to find which weekly store specials have matching coupons.
Thursday is my coupon planning day. The Kroger and Walmart ad comes out on Sunday and the Publix ad comes out on Thursdays, so on Thursdays I have access to all three of their weekly specials. I like to have the physical paper ads in front of me. The first thing I do is go through the ads with my sharpie and circle the items that are on sale that my family likes to eat or use.
Then I get out my coupon book and dig through and see if I have coupons that match up with the ads. When I find coupons that match up I pull them out and put them in the front of my book and mark an asterisk on that ad, which I had already circled.

After I’m done with that, I make our menu for the week and from the menu I create our shopping list. At the bottom of the shopping list I make sure to list staples like bread, milk, cheese, etc.

I then go through the shopping list and mark which store to buy what items at (if they are on sale and I have a matching coupon to maximize savings) I also mark an asterisk on the items I have a coupon for that the stores don’t have on special. $1 off is better than full price if the store brand is not less expensive. And then we go shopping and watch the savings add up.
The other thing I did was google meat markets in (your city’s name here) or butchers in (your city’s name here) and found some incredible deals on buying meat in bulk. We bought 45 lbs of chuck roast, chicken, ribs, and pork – enough to make 22 meals for our family and saved $40 by buying from the butcher.
So last week, using these methods (took me about 2 hours of preparation) I saved our family $108. We spent $256 and brought home $364 in groceries. That included 4 free soups and 4 free tubes of Crest toothpaste. Now that I’ve shown the simple idea of finding coupons to match up to the store specials I can see how people are getting name brand products for next to nothing.
I hope this makes sense and helps. Now. Go. Clip, organize and save your family some money!!!!! :)  Good Luck!!!!

The Penny Matrix - Easy Mony, Low Cost Start Up, Work From Home

Are you wondering just what is this penny matrix you keep hearing about? I was too. 

With the encouragement of a friend (my sponsor) I jumped in with both feet a few days ago. I've advertised twice in facebook groups and a couple of times in my facebook timeline and already I have the first level (the first two) full in my matrix.

Allow me to shed some light on a truly great opportunity!

The Penny Matrix was launched September 1, 2012 and is being called the E-Book of the month club on steroids. It is backed by a four year old global company called World Light.

World Light is debt free, has an A+ credit rating and a top internet security rating and has a massive global merchant account. The $7 monthly fee gives you access to the E-Book of the month. The greatest part about that is that you get to select the book you want from a damn decent selection of reading material. As a bonus, the first month, you get to select 10 e-books. Each month after that you get to select one.

click to see the image larger and see the different categories

The e-books can be viewed on your iPad, all popular tables and your pc.

The second benefit of joining the Penny Matrix and paying your $7 membership is the ability to make a very lucrative monthly income. I am still trying to wrap my head around the math (not my strongest subject... by a long shot), but what I do have figured out goes something like this...

The Penny Matrix is set up as a 2x2 forced matrix that is two across and 14 levels down. The way the matrix is set up you will get paid on all 14 levels of your matrix. You get paid directly for the even levels and by the 100% match for the odd levels.

The 2x2 forced matrix is a fast filling design which promotes team work and fast growth and drives success for all team members. The forced matrix means that the spillover evenly fills the entire matrix.

What does that mean for you? It means that when the people in your upline (your sponsor, your sponsor's sponsor, their sponsor and on up to the beginning) fill their matrix anyone else they get "spills over" into their downline's matrices and helps to fill them. When your matrix is filled, anyone else you get to sign up will "spill over" into your downline's matrices. How great is that?!?!

So, in addition to access to some excellent reading material you will have a permanent place in the matrix (even if you have a month where you can't pay the $7, you won't lose your place. You won't get a commission that month, but you'll stay in your spot in the matrix and when you start paying your membership again, you'll start getting checks again.)

In the graphic above, sponsor 0 means that if NO ONE signs up under you, you will still get paid as your matrix fills from the spillover. But you can see how getting just two peoplw with $7 bucks a month to spare can make a huge difference in your income potential.
  • Checks are sent out on the first of every month for anyone who has earned over $10 for the month.
  • No sponsoring is required to get paid (it may take longer to see results though)
  • Earn 100% matching bonus on the matrix income of ALL personally referred members.
  • Virtually unlimited earnings potential.
  • All members of a household (18 and older) can join in the Penny Matrix program and benefit from it!
  • Global opportunity.
This program is growing like wild fire across the globe. By this time next year there could be a million or more members on board. Don't delay - get in the matrix today. $7 to start, $7 a month. What are you waiting for? 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Walking Dead Amputates the Season Premier

MCA is Hiring Work From Home agents Right Now! Click to Apply Today!

'Walking Dead' Creator Amputates The Season Premiere

Robert Kirkman teases the similarities between Hershel Greene's amputation and an iconic scene from the 'Walking Dead' comic books.

Hershel's impromptu leg loss marks yet another change between the "Walking Dead" comics and the television series; in the books, the old farmer's feet stay firmly planted on the ground. But savvy comic book readers will recall that a similar leg-chopping does take place in Robert Kirkman's source material — just to a different character.

"It happened in the same way that it happened to Allen in the comics, with him being bitten unexpectedly, and Rick frantically chopping his leg off to the shock of everyone else. But Allen doesn't exist on the television show," Kirkman told MTV News about the premiere's biggest shock. "It's a call back to the comics, another one of those things that fans of the comic book series will recognize, but it comes in an unexpected, cool, and shocking way. It is, to me, yet another sign that the adaptation is going to continue in a way that calls back to the comic respectfully, but still has its own shocks and surprises along the way. I think that's important."

Also familiar to longtime "Walking Dead" readers: the fact that Rick and his friends are not alone in this prison, and we don't just mean the zombies. As in the comics, the premiere sees the Grimes gang encountering a group of prisoners who survived the undead uprising, albeit differently from the way these parties meet in the books. It's not all different, however, as Kirkman revealed that one prisoner in particular comes directly from comic book land.

"Axel's there. He's the guy who says 'Holy s---!' He's a character from the comics and we'll be seeing a lot more of him," promised Kirkman. He also promised that Axel's signature line -- "You follow me?" -- will be uttered at least "a few times" in the coming episodes.

Axel aside, Kirkman cautioned that there would be more significant differences between the comics' prisoners and the show's prisoners to come, yet another move to keep reader-viewers on their toes.

"There are analogues from the comics who do many of the things you saw from the comics, but there are also big changes to the storyline," he teased. "There are moments from the comics that won't make it onto the TV show. Those prisoners borrow a lot from the comic books, but there's new elements added as well."

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Image: R.I.P. Hershel's Leg

MCA is Hiring Work From Home agents Right Now! Click to Apply Today!

50 Cent And French Montana's Beef Gets Comical

MCA is hiring Work From Home agents Right Now! Click Here to Apply Today! 

50 Cent And French Montana's Beef Gets Comical
Posted  by  in Music News

By Rob Markman
It used to be that if rappers had a beef, they’d hit the studio and flood the mixtape scene with dis tracks, but as the Notorious B.I.G. once said “Things Done Changed.” It’s unclear how far the issue between 50 Cent and French Montana will lead the rappers into the studio, but it has already made for some entertaining Twitter banter.
After spending the past 48 hours retweeting disparaging French comments from his fans, Fif hurled some new barbs at his new foe. "I herd there was a @frenchmontana listening party at Interscope so I'm here," the G-Unit head honcho wrote sarcastically, throwing a shot at his labelmate.
"Dont come wit da funny tank top on lol," French wrote in response, referencing the multi-colored G-Unit-branded tees that Fif has been known to wear.
The back-and-forth began on Wednesday after published an interview where French questioned the effectiveness of rap beef these days and used 50's rap tiffs as an example. "I feel like beef hurt him," Montana said before questioning if 50 can be the SoundScan juggernaut he once was.
Fif didn't take too kindly to the Bad Boy rapper's assessment of his career and went on Twitter to voice his displeasure. Montana then responded with a tweet of his own. "damnnn homie last year u was da mannnnn homieeeeeee wat da f------ happen to uuuuuu," he wrote referencing a lyric in 50's 2003 single "Wanksta."
Montana would later erase the message, only to repost it again.
50 continued to clown French joking that the Montana listening session that he was so looking forward to was canceled. "Im disappointed Man I want to hear the music ? SMSaudio," he wrote.
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