Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Penny Matrix - Easy Mony, Low Cost Start Up, Work From Home

Are you wondering just what is this penny matrix you keep hearing about? I was too. 

With the encouragement of a friend (my sponsor) I jumped in with both feet a few days ago. I've advertised twice in facebook groups and a couple of times in my facebook timeline and already I have the first level (the first two) full in my matrix.

Allow me to shed some light on a truly great opportunity!

The Penny Matrix was launched September 1, 2012 and is being called the E-Book of the month club on steroids. It is backed by a four year old global company called World Light.

World Light is debt free, has an A+ credit rating and a top internet security rating and has a massive global merchant account. The $7 monthly fee gives you access to the E-Book of the month. The greatest part about that is that you get to select the book you want from a damn decent selection of reading material. As a bonus, the first month, you get to select 10 e-books. Each month after that you get to select one.

click to see the image larger and see the different categories

The e-books can be viewed on your iPad, all popular tables and your pc.

The second benefit of joining the Penny Matrix and paying your $7 membership is the ability to make a very lucrative monthly income. I am still trying to wrap my head around the math (not my strongest subject... by a long shot), but what I do have figured out goes something like this...

The Penny Matrix is set up as a 2x2 forced matrix that is two across and 14 levels down. The way the matrix is set up you will get paid on all 14 levels of your matrix. You get paid directly for the even levels and by the 100% match for the odd levels.

The 2x2 forced matrix is a fast filling design which promotes team work and fast growth and drives success for all team members. The forced matrix means that the spillover evenly fills the entire matrix.

What does that mean for you? It means that when the people in your upline (your sponsor, your sponsor's sponsor, their sponsor and on up to the beginning) fill their matrix anyone else they get "spills over" into their downline's matrices and helps to fill them. When your matrix is filled, anyone else you get to sign up will "spill over" into your downline's matrices. How great is that?!?!

So, in addition to access to some excellent reading material you will have a permanent place in the matrix (even if you have a month where you can't pay the $7, you won't lose your place. You won't get a commission that month, but you'll stay in your spot in the matrix and when you start paying your membership again, you'll start getting checks again.)

In the graphic above, sponsor 0 means that if NO ONE signs up under you, you will still get paid as your matrix fills from the spillover. But you can see how getting just two peoplw with $7 bucks a month to spare can make a huge difference in your income potential.
  • Checks are sent out on the first of every month for anyone who has earned over $10 for the month.
  • No sponsoring is required to get paid (it may take longer to see results though)
  • Earn 100% matching bonus on the matrix income of ALL personally referred members.
  • Virtually unlimited earnings potential.
  • All members of a household (18 and older) can join in the Penny Matrix program and benefit from it!
  • Global opportunity.
This program is growing like wild fire across the globe. By this time next year there could be a million or more members on board. Don't delay - get in the matrix today. $7 to start, $7 a month. What are you waiting for? 

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