Monday, October 1, 2012

Overwhelmed With Network Marketing?

Overwhelmed With Network Marketing? Copy and Paste Your Way to Understanding.

If you are like me then you find yourself overwhelmed with the sheer volume of information out there regarding network marketing and how to be successful as a professional network marketer. I believe I have finally found something real and realistic to help minimize that overwhelming feeling.

First, a little history. I had been out of work for nine months when I came across an ad on Craigslist with a link to ZNZ. I followed the link. I liked the idea of the opportunity presented. It made sense to me. I signed up. I didn't hear a single word from my sponsor after I signed up. But, I needed something so I dug in my heels and started trying to figure out how to make it work on my own. ( -- if you are curious what ZNZ is)

At the same time that I was trying to figure out ZNZ, my Facebook timeline started buzzing with MCA, Motor Club of America. I spent some time researching MCA, watching YouTube videos, reading blogs, chatting with people on Facebook. It didn't take me long to realize that this was a product I could get behind, a concept I could easily embrace and profit from. I was very excited by the potential. Honestly, I still am. Completely.

I was still out of work, still sending out my resume 30 or 40 or 50 times a day and still getting NO call backs. I needed something. I took the plunge and ate ramen noodles for a week to invest the $39.90 needed to get started with MCA. I signed up under one of the most successful members of MCA because I wanted access to their training material. I have never had a one on one conversation about MCA with my sponsor. I was directed a training website and a files tab in a Facebook group in lieu of any one on one training. While there is a ton of information there, the one on one training a newbie network marketer needs was sorely missing. I was really disappointed by this but determined not to be discouraged and even more determined to be a better sponsor when my team started growing.

Even without that one on one, I managed to find people who were willing to spend time with me, talking one on one about what I was doing and how I could do it better. All the while that I was talking to these very kind souls, I was continuing on my quest for knowledge and success. I was reading everything my sponsor put up. I attended the training webinars and took notes. I watched the discussions and I offered help where I could. I was posting in groups, I was posting some classifieds, I was talking to my friends, I was making the videos.  Through all that and over a span of 5 weeks, I made three sales. That is my team so far. I love that little team but I still felt like I just wasn't getting it right. I knew it wasn't going to be hand over fist cash, but I believed it could easily be the equivalent of a full time income achieved from the comforts of my own home. There had to be something I was missing, something I wasn't doing right.

Turning to my sponsor did no good. Every question asked was answered with a link to read (which, usually I had already read). Then I found Copy+Paste=Cash.

CPC is very exciting because it takes a newbie network marketer, like myself, and teaches them the way to succeed in this business. The program teaches you stage by stage how to get your product in front of your target market. They provide you with a product on which to use their technique while you learn and they provide you with every line of text, every headline, every converting landing page website you will need to begin to see success and to start to build the required discipline and habits to turn a work at home opportunity into a career.

They have a points system so through each stage of the training, you have to do the tasks to get the points to unlock the next stage of training and learn the next thing that will further your success. The program tracks your success. The tracking lets you know which of your efforts is actually paying off and which are not. The "Cha-Ching" sound you hear when you make a conversion is extremely encouraging, as is the daily pay.

While a lot of network marketers will sell their opportunity as a quick way to make some cash (usually this is not the case at all), CPC makes it clear up front that you will be required to actually put some effort into making their program work, but they give you every tool and instructions on how to use them every step of the way as well.

By the time you reach the conclusion of the program you will have attained the discipline and instruction to truly be a network marketing guru. The best part is that once you grasp the concepts you can apply them to whatever opportunity, product or business you're promoting. If you are new to network marketing and looking for step by step instructions, I can't recommend this program enough.

Visit to see a short video and get started today!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that CPC is very exciting as it takes a newbie network marketer, like myself, and it teaches them the way to succeed in Networking business.

    Home Network Marketing
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